Thursday, June 16, 2011

Scary Art Doll For The Summer

Truth is I can celebrate Halloween 365 because it is just the one holiday that means anything to me! I think I have Halloween using out of my pores! I remember one thing my most favorite art teacher Mr. Stan Stoneking told me that made me not afraid to express the dark side of myself was to just let go. Letting go of others expectations of what my art should be and how I am allowed to express my creativity.

Here the latest two scary ladies I have listed on my etsy shop. Each one has a bit me within them. They were both handsewn and I used some of my handcrafted charms on Pinky Darkmoon. Can you guess which one is Pinky?

Gothicka Darkmoon is a tall woman. When I first started creating her I thought that she was going to be a man. She began to look a bit like a gothic version of the nutcracker. As I continued to work on her day by day she began to look more and more like a androgynous creature of the night .

I hope you enjoy viewing my latest creations and please do stop by my etsy shop because I don't get enough time in the day to list every new thing I put in my shop.